sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


Al Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya tenim la col.lecció més important de pintura romànica del món, la majoria d'aquestes obres provenen de les esglèsies de la Vall de Boí, al Pirineu lleidatà, declarades per l'Unesco patrimoni de l'humanitat, la visita d'aquestes esglèsies és una escapada meravellosa al nostre passat i a la nostra essència.

Vistes des del campanar de Sant Joan de Boí

Santa Maria de Taüll

Ermita de Sant Quirc de Durro


Eglèsia de la Nativitat de Durro

Davallament de la Creu de l'esglèsia de Santa Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011


About one year ago the Mammoth Museum was open in Barcelona, very near of the Picasso Museum,  in the Quarter of la Rivera.  I went with may family one week ago and we ejoyed a lot de visit, we can know about prehistory and mammoths. The building where the museum is, it is a beautiful gothic palace, la Casa de la Custòdia, so that makes the visit still more interesting

A baby mammoth by the entrance of the Museum

What a theet!!

A baby mammoth, Lyuba, she died when she was two moths, she was found in very good conditions in Russia, they were able to study a lot about mammoths because her 


The City Hall of Barcelona was built during the XIV century, is into the Gothic Quarter at Sant James Square. It is still used as City Council, so the Major and the staff are working inside, that is the reason for not being open to the public. I get the opportunity of visit the inside and I would like to share the pictures with you.

Main facade of the City Hall from XIX century

Three views of the City Hall ground floor

First floor

Two views of Saló del Consell de Cent