sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012


Girona was founded about  2.000 years ago by romans, during roman period the city was call Gerunda, it was not a very important city, we have not too much information about that moment but we know that Via Augusts lying across the city. During the middle ages Girona become important because the defensive marche of Charlesmagne, and the city became prosperous.

Panoramic view of Girona, from the medieval wall built by Pere el Cerimoniós in the XIV century

Main facade of the cathedral in barroc style

View of the apse of the cathedral, you can see the romanic belltower on the left hand side, the gothic catedral was built over the romanesque one, in the inside we get the biggest unique nave of the gothic period

Sant Feliu Church, inside the tomb of the Saint Patron of Girona, Sant Narcís

Sant Pere de Galligants, amazing church from the romanesque period, inside the Archaelogical Museum of Catalonia

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